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who we are

Kursor Strategic

Kursor Strategic is a consulting company focusing on organizational development for civil society organizations, with a mission to help them achieve sustainable operations. The services include strategic planning, change management, and capacity building to help organizations improve their effectiveness, efficiency, and impact. Kursor also provides governance, financial management, and program design and evaluation expertise to help organizations achieve their goals and create positive change in their communities. As a “profit for a purpose” company, Kursor uses its expertise and resources to support the social and environmental missions of the organizations its works with.

Our mission

Our mission is to empower civil society organizations to achieve their goals and create positive change in their communities by providing consulting services that enhance organizational effectiveness, efficiency, and impact. We strive to be a “profit for a purpose” company, using our expertise and resources to support the social and environmental missions of the organizations we work with.

Our vision

Kursor Strategic aspires to be a leading consulting firm in organizational development for civil society organization, supporting them to achieve sustainable operations and create positive change in their communities

What we Do

We work to make civil organization become stronger and resilient over time

We believe that strong civil society organizations are the backbone of establishing justice, reducing inequality, and strengthening democracy. Organizational development processes for civil society organizations is essential because it helps them fulfill their missions better, increase their impact, and build their sustainability.


This means having a clearer understanding of their strengths and weaknesses and implementing strategies to improve their operations, increase their effectiveness, and achieve their goals.


Supporting organizational development is an investment in the long-term success of their grantees. It helps ensure that their resources are used in the most impactful way possible.

Our Services :

Change Management

We help your organization make the changes you need to achieve your organization’s goals and create positive change in your community.

Strategic Planning

We help your organization create a clear roadmap that is coherent with the organization’s mission and vision and considers the organization’s internal and external environment and resources.

Capacity Building

We help your organization improve its effectiveness, efficiency, and impact.

Our Client’s Testimonials

Saya mendapatkan wawasan baru terkait kunci kesuksesan dalam menjalankan kegiatan organisasi. Hal ini akan jadi pacuan untuk perbaikan dan masukan organisasi agar menjadi lebih baik lagi. Ilmu yang disampaikan juga sangat baik dan bagus. Tetap menjadi fasilitator dan pihak yang bagus untuk kemajuan organisasi di luar sana.

Auriga Nusantara

“Dari sisi substansi dan metode penyampaian sangat mudah dipahami, serta tool-tools yang diberikan mudah dan efisien. Semoga tetap membantu dan meningkatkan knowledge bagi organisasi masyarakat sipil

Filantropi Indonesia

Menurut saya, prosesnya sangat efektif seperti melalui pengisian kuisioner. Kuisionernya juga tidak sulit diisi karena opsi yang tersedia sudah ada definisinya dan ada tambahan komentar. Sehingga prosesnya bisa menampung banyak opini walaupun waktunya hanya sebentar. Suasana diskusi juga hidup dan fasilitator memberikan respon yang baik dan mudah dimengerti. Saya merasa dari beberapa pertemuan yang serupa dengan OMT (seperti: Renstra dan Annual Work Plan), OMT yang paling tidak membosankan. Dengan waktu yang singkat, tetap banyak hal yang digali dan tidak terlalu merasa berat. Saya rasa hasil OMT juga cukup akurat dengan kondisi lembaga sehingga menjadi rekomendasi yang baik bagi INFID.

International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (INFID)